Capitol Hill Restoration Society

Streetcars – Preservation Café

Posted on January 26th, 2025

Photo courtesy of the National Capital Trolley Museum

The Capitol Hill Restoration Society (CHRS) presented a free, virtual Preservation Café on the pivotal role streetcars played in the development and growth of Capitol Hill on Thursday, February 6, 2025.

Eric Madison, executive director of the National Capital Trolley Museum, discussed the role streetcars played on Capitol Hill from the mid-19th century to their eventual decline in the mid-20th century.

Madison used a combination of historical photographs, maps and firsthand accounts to take attendees through the streets of Capitol Hill as they were – bustling with the iconic streetcars that connected our neighborhood to the rest of the city. The streetcar system influenced the urban landscape, the daily lives of residents and the evolution of transportation in D.C.

The trolley museum, located in Montgomery County, MD, preserves and interprets the history of Washington’s electric street railways. Its collections include 17 streetcars.

Photo courtesy of the National Capital Trolley Museum

Our CHRS Preservation Cafés are free to both CHRS members and non members.