In anticipation of the 62nd anniversary of the Mothers Day House and Garden Tour (May 12 & 13), the Society is sponsoring a photo contest – “The Capitol Hill Home” – entries were due March 16, 2019. Congratulations to the 2019 winners! 2018 winners 2017 winners
A letter from the Maury Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) to the school community appears below – with a link to the survey itself. Maury is seeking input from alumni and the school’s neighbors and invites them to complete the survey. Maury website. Dear Maury Community- In 2018, our Maury family learned that our namesake, John […]
Village Voices: “Alice Donnigan“, Monday, April 1, 2019, 7-8 pm at the Northeast Neighborhood Library, 330 Seventh Street NE.
DDOT’s Public Space Committee addressed these at two public hearings, the regular meeting held Friday, March 15, 2019, 5 pm and a special meeting, Thursday, March 21, 2019, 1 pm. The adopted version (3-21-2019) of the Small Cell Guidelines: FinalVersionSmallCellGuidelinesDDOT DDOT Small Cell Page