About Us
- CHRS contingent in 2012 parade
The Capitol Hill Restoration Society (CHRS) was founded 60 years ago to help preserve and protect the historic neighborhood’s architectural and residential character. Due to the efforts of CHRS, Capitol Hill won designation as a historic district in 1976.
CHRS, formed as a non-profit group, is now the largest civic association on Capitol Hill, and one of the largest in the District of Columbia. CHRS continues to play a key role in maintaining the integrity, history and appeal of the neighborhood which has been a diverse community for more than 200 years.
What is the Capitol Hill Restoration Society?
CHRS is the oldest and largest civic organization on Capitol Hill, representing about a thousand members. The Society was founded in 1955 to protect the historic fabric of the neighborhood.
You’ve probably got more questions about CHRS or the Capitol Hill historic district, and chances are others have asked us the same things. Please click on FAQ on the menu to the right first for an answer to your question. If the answer is not here, email the CHRS office and we’ll do our best to respond with the information you are requesting.
CHRS Mission Statement
For 60 years, the Capitol Hill Restoration Society (CHRS) has championed the interests of residential Capitol Hill by working to preserve its historic character and enhance its livability through efforts in planning, zoning, traffic management, and public safety. Click on Mission Statement on the menu at right.
Mailing address:
Capitol Hill Restoration Society (CHRS)
P.O. Box 15264
Washington, DC 20003-0264
CHRS office location:
420 10th Street, S.E.
Washington, DC 20003
Email: CapHRS420@gmail.com
Office phone/fax: (202) 543-0425
CHRS Webmaster:
For issues with the website, email CHRS420@gmail.com