2023-2024 CHRS Board of Directors
Elected Members
President: Angie Schmidt
Angie Schmidt moved with her family to their circa-1881 house on Capitol Hill
in 2002. Her career began in editing and publishing and she currently works part-time handling the books for two small businesses. She started volunteering with CHRS in 2016, serving as an editor for the CHRS News, which she continues to edit. In her first term, she was able to sort and vacate the expensive CHRS storage unit; update and organize the current office; push for the use of Eventbrite to be able to gain metrics on CHRS activities and outreach; encouraged the use of social media to attract new members; and has served as one of the three 2023 House Tour Managers.
Past President: Beth Purcell
Beth Purcell moved to Capitol Hill in 1987, and later joined the CHRS board, serving as President from 2009 to 2012. After a career at the Treasury Department, she earned an MS in historic preservation from George Washington University and chairs the CHRS Historic Preservation Committee. In 2020 she wrote Capitol Hill: Past & Present (published by Arcadia Publishing). She is also the President of Trees for Capitol Hill and a member of the Committee of 100 on the Federal City. In her spare time she walks her dogs.
First Vice-President: Chris Mullins
Christine Mullins and her husband Daniel
have lived on Capitol Hill since 2003 when they moved here from Adams Morgan. They came to love the Capitol Hill community through their involvement in Maury Elementary School with their two children. Chris has been happy to call Washington, D.C. her home, where everyone and everything seems to have an intriguing and thought-provoking story! She led a higher education nonprofit that advocates for community colleges that teach online for nearly 25 years, and now works with faculty to create free online courses for college students across the globe. Chris brings her love of historic buildings, tin ceilings, old fixtures, finished wood, and walled gardens to CHRS. She has served as an At-Large director and organizes the CHRS Preservation Cafés.
Second Vice-President: Tina May

Tina May moved to Capitol Hill in 1982 for an affordably-priced rental house with college friends and has lived here ever since. Soon thereafter, she and her husband Peter bought their first house in need of restoration. They did most of the work on that house, and then a second, and are now working on their third and most challenging project. In the meantime, three sons grew up and moved out, while lending a hand. Tina works in concert production.
Treasurer: Nick Alberti
Nick Alberti moved to Capitol Hill in 1985 with his wife, Elizabeth Nelson. They were attracted to the charming architecture of the Hill and are grateful to have found a home in the Historic District. Nick retired from a career as a statistician with the Census Bureau in 2010. He served as a commissioner in ANC 6A where he was initially the Treasurer and later the Chair. He was appointed to the DC Alcohol Beverage Control Board in 2008, serving eleven years. He is currently a member of the Capitol Hill Village Endowment Board, the CHRS Endowment Committee, the CHRS Zoning Committee.
Secretary: Libby Quaid
Libby Quaid moved to Capitol Hill in 2000 and bought her 1890s home with her husband in 2002. She worked as a journalist for The Associated Press for 24 years and still consults as an analyst to help
call races in election years. Today she teaches for Mister Mike’s Music, a Capitol Hill-based center that offers music classes to families with babies and toddlers. Libby has been working to bring old-house character back to her home, which was mostly gutted in a 1970s renovation. She likes researching buildings on the Hill, and deeply respects old buildings that will endure for generations beyond our own. For CHRS, she’s been volunteering on the Communications Committee and creating content to help boost followers and engagement on Instagram. She has a preteen daughter and a terrier mix, and both of them enjoy the dog paradise that is Capitol Hill.
At-Large Member: Jim Thackaberry
Jim Thackaberry is a registered architect. He moved to Washington in 1974 to work for Harry Weese Associates, the Metro architect. He has been both in private practice and government employment having concluded his career working many years at the District Department of Housing and Community Development. Upon arriving in the city, he settled on Capitol Hill and immediately loved living here. He then bought the townhouse that he’s been renovating and restoring. He joined the Restoration Society shortly after moving here. He is also a member of the CHRS Historic Preservation Committee.
At-Large Member: Delancey Gustin

Delancey Gustin has been a Capitol Hill resident since 2015 and a DC resident since 2007. She works for US Citizenship and Immigration Services and has degrees in Political Science and Statistics from Columbia University and the University of Maryland. She is married and has two children, 5 and 2, and a black labrador mix. A nature lover, she works with Trees for Capitol Hill to improve the District’s tree canopy. She loves the many green spaces and colorful variety of Capitol Hill. Her hobbies include family biking and knitting.
.At-Large Member: Beth Hague

Beth Hague is lifelong appreciation of historic buildings, preservation, and community led her to fall in love with Capitol Hill when she arrived in Washington, DC. Turning to CHRS and the city for expertise, and inspired by community involvement in land use planning, Beth was heavily involved in the effort to establish the Emerald Street Historic District, where she has lived since 2002. Beth serves on the CHRS Board and Zoning Committee, and organizes Membership Meetings. During the week, Beth specializes in China issues at the State Department. In her free time, she enjoys walking through Hill neighborhoods, singing with the Capitol Hill Chorale and serving on their board, attending Chiarina concerts, and hiking with her husband Libo and son Nathaniel.
At-Large Member: Fynnette Eaton

Fynnette Eaton and her husband, James Miller, both grew up in the suburbs of DC and moved to Capitol Hill in 1976. She worked for the Smithsonian Institution and the National Archives and Records Administration as an archivist focused on electronic records. Since retiring from Federal service, she has focused on records management issues and is currently employed by Savan Group. She has been a student of dance for many years with the St. Mark’s Dance Studio. She has served as one of the three 2023 House Tour Managers.
At-Large Member: Jackie Krieger
Jackie Krieger moved to the Washington DC area over 40 years ago. Landing on Capitol Hill, she immediately fell in love with the area’s history, architecture and community spirit and never left. Jackie recently retired from a career at the Environmental Protection Agency, working primarily in the areas of climate change and pollution prevention. She has served as one of the three 2023 House Tour Managers. Jackie currently lives just off Lincoln Park with her 17-year old son Adam. She enjoys working in her garden, travel, studying the Italian language, and walking with her dog Lucky around the neighborhood.
At-Large Member: Gary M. Peterson

Gary Peterson, with his wife Trudy, bought their current home on Capitol Hill in 1976. He has volunteered with the Society ever since, initially with the House Tour and later serving terms as Secretary, Vice-President, President, and Chair of the Zoning Committee. He recently stepped down from this last position but, lucky for us, he will continue as a committee member. Gary was instrumental in the Capitol Hill Community Foundation’s fundraising efforts to restore the Eastern Market after the 2007 fire. He is Treasurer of the National Capital Club de Petanque and plays every Monday with the Capitol Hill Village petanque group.
Chairs of the following committees also serve on the Board:
Budget & Administration (Nick Alberti), City Planning (Monte Edwards), Communications (Marci Hilt), Community Development (Chuck Burger), Community Relations (Elizabeth Nelson), Environment (Joanna Kendig), Historic Preservation (Beth Purcell), House Tour ((Fynnette Eaton, with Angie Schmidt and Jackie Krieger), Membership (Maygene Daniels), Public Safety (Undine Nash), Zoning (Nick Alberti)