Historic Preservation and Community-Building on Capitol Hill – Membership Meeting
Posted on February 20th, 2016
Rhonda Sincavage, Director of Publications and Programs at the National Trust for Historic Preservation, will be the featured speaker on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 7 p.m. (originally January25, rescheduled due to snow)Ms. Sincavage will explore the relationships between historic preservation, quality of life, and the continued vibrancy of our community. Capitol Hill is on the cusp of rapid change, and as a community we are confronted with issues such as the economics, diversity, and environmental sustainability of the Historic District. In a 2011 TED Talk, Ms. Sincavage very effectively addressed these and other relevant issues for historic preservation in the national context, and will bring the discussion home to Capitol Hill.
The event will be held at Maury Elementary School, 1250 Constitution Avenue NE – enter from the 200 block of 13th St. The presentation will be preceded by a brief business meeting at 6:40. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m.
The event is free, handicapped-accessible and the public is encouraged to attend; no reservations required.
Rhonda Sincavage is Director of Publication and Programs at the National Trust for Historic Preservation in Washington DC. In this capacity, she oversees trainings, conferences, resources and publications for preservation professionals. Prior to her current role, she was involved in public policy and preservation advocacy, both as Associate Director of Government Relations and Policy at the National Trust and as Vice President of Preservation Action, the national grassroots lobbying organization for historic preservation.
Ms. Sincavage is currently on the Board of Directors of the National Preservation Institute and the Association for the Preservation of Historic Congressional Cemetery, as well as an active member of the education committee of the DC Preservation League. She previously taught the “Issues in Preservation” course for the Historic Preservation Certificate Program at Goucher College and served as an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees of US/ICOMOS. In 2015, Ms. Sincavage was a keynote speaker at the New Zealand Planning Institute conference in Auckland and in 2011 she was a featured speaker at a TEDx event in Cleveland, Ohio. In 2005 she was selected to participate in the Courants Cultural Exchange Program sponsored by the French-American Foundation and the French Ministry of Culture.
Ms. Sincavage holds a Bachelor of Science in Design and Environmental Analysis from Cornell University and a Masters in Urban and Environmental Planning and Certificate in Historic Preservation from University of Virginia