Capitol Hill Restoration Society

Park System of the Nations Capital

Posted on March 9th, 2016

A high resolution map of the District’s Park System can be accessed at the website. It’s a very large, interactive file and very slow to load.

It is described as:

High resolution map of the Park System of the Nations Capital and Environs under Jurisdiction of National Capital Region – National Park Service United States Department of Interior (NPS 869/80,251-I), November 2008

Released date: 06-February-2013. Posted date: 11-February-2013

Source of document: National Park Service

The actual map is too large a file to upload to this website so two extracts are provided below:

Extract covering most of the central city

Higher resolution extract of Capitol Hill area (6.8 MB)

The Legend, with NPS shown in green, transferred to DC jurisdiction in gray, and the red reservation numbers indicates they have been disposed of.