Capitol Hill Restoration Society

Village Voices – Overbooked

Posted on April 3rd, 2017

On Tuesday, April 24, 2017, 7-8 p.m. at the NE Branch Library, 330 7th St. NE. Hear Elisabeth Becker, an award-winning journalist, discuss the exploding business of travel and tourism and its global impact.

The Glamour and Dark Underbelly of Travel and Tourism. The world is smaller through travel, but not necessarily better. Learn about the disturbing world of travel and tourism, from award-winning journalist, Elizabeth Becker as she discusses her new book, Overbooked.

Reservations required.

Capitol Hill Village (CHV) is sponsoring a series, “Village Voices”, for the community to meet and learn from each other in informal, free, public discussions about a range of social, economic and political topics. The series is free, open to the public. To register, call 543-1778 or email: with your name and number attending.