If you see a swarm of bees, don’t try to kill them! They might be honey bees, which are in need of our protection. Contact — dcbees@dcbeekeepers.org and write Swarm in the subject line or call (202) 255-4318. Many of the District’s beekeepers are on the emergency list, and will show up to gather swarmed […]
Frager’s Hardware of Capitol Hill has reached an agreement with Roadside Development, LLC, a District based developer, to purchase its property at 1101-1117 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, on Capitol Hill. After development, Frager’s will return as their anchor tenant under a long-term lease.
CHRS hosted a booth with activities for children to enjoy while we shared our mission with the adults.
Marty O’Brien, Chief Operating Officer of Casey Trees, presented “Valuing our Unique Urban Forest” on Thursday, September 25, 2014 at 7 pm at HillCenter, 921 Pennsylvania Ave SE. CHRS members reviewed and approved the FY 2014-2015 budget prior to the presentation.
In July 2014 DCRA and HPO inspected the building at 1229 E Street, SE and determined that the building is still salvageable. On September 18, 2014, the HPRB voted to deny the property owner’s request to raze the shotgun house. DCRA is seeking bids from contractors to stabilize the building.
The Breweries of Capitol Hill was the topic of a Preservation Cafe, September 17, 2014 from 6:30- 7 p.m. at Ebenezers Coffee House, 2nd & F Sts. NE.
Articles and resources on home maintenance: Window Restoration: http://www.capitalcommunitynews.com/content/restore-don’t-replace-your-antique-windows Case Study: http://www.capitalcommunitynews.com/content/case-study-repairing-historic-wooden-windows