Capitol Hill Restoration Society

The Future of the RFK Stadium Campus

Posted on February 14th, 2025

The Future of the RFK Stadium Campus -February 2025  CHRS_RFK_statement_02-2025

The Capitol Hill Restoration Society supports progressive development of the RFK Stadium Campus in alignment with the important District goals foregrounded in the 2021 Comprehensive Plan and earlier studies, and long championed by Mayor Muriel Bowser and other civic leaders. 

Basically, we support land for athletic and recreational use; the inclusion of affordable housing; commercial and residential projects; continued public access to the Anacostia River Trail; and no development within 60 feet of the shoreline and wetlands next to the Anacostia River. In addition, we recommend a comprehensive study be made about parking and the need for expanded public transportation. 

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Future of RFK Stadium Site

Posted on October 29th, 2023

Potential redevelopment of the RFK Stadium site has been a subject of discussion for decades. Joanna Kendig reports on recent community meetings and provides a list of a list of articles and resources about this important community issue.

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Res 13: City seeks proposals

Posted on December 1st, 2012

Update on Reservation 13: City seeks proposals for downsized development project.  The Deputy Mayor’s Office for Economic Development (DMPED) has issued a Request for Expressions of Interest for development of Parcels F-1 and G-1 on Reservation 13. Responses are due January 7, 2013. Information: R-13 DMPED map . See also CHRS News for December 2012/January 2013 for additional information.