Capitol Hill Restoration Society

Groff Court Photo Gallery

Posted on June 20th, 2015

Walkers on Groff Court

Walkers on Groff Court

Groff Court residences, 1890s

Groff Court residences, 1890s

Beth Purcell and Greg Holeyman, tour guides

Beth Purcell and Greg Holeyman, tour guides

1990s Alley Dwellings

1990s Alley Dwellings

Fred Mashack with homes built in 1980s

Fred Mashack with homes built in 1980s

Groff Court tour goers

Groff Court tour goers

Fred Mashack (builder) and Greg Holeyman (resident)

Fred Mashack (builder) and Greg Holeyman (resident)

Beth Purcell on Groff Court

Beth Purcell on Groff Court

Public Space

Posted on April 21st, 2015

DDOT issued Departmental Order No. 1-2014, April 30, 2014 in response to concerns raised by CHRS and others specifically about Reservation 266, but the Policy applies to all pocket parks under DDOT control.  DDOT has since proposed Regulations that would implement this policy. Comments due May 2, 2015.

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Inaugural Dick Wolf Lecture Photos

Posted on April 15th, 2015



Hill Center

Ann Phelps delivers a proclamation from City Council

Anne Phelps delivers a proclamation from City Council

Lisa Dale Jones

CHRS President Lisa Dale Jones holding proclamation

Lecture organizer, Monte Edwards

Lecture organizer, Monte Edwards

Bill King delivering his lecture

William King

Bill Knight outlines current process

Outlining current process


wolfLecturePanel5022en0315 wolfLectureAudience4997en0315  wolfLectureAudience5170en0315
wolfLectureBigCheck5124en0315 wolfLectureAudience5100en0315 wolfLectureAudience4959en0315

Happy Birthday to Bill Knight

Happy Birthday

Monte Edwards, Bill King and Lisa Dale Jones

Monte Edwards, Bill King and Lisa Dale Jones



Wolf Family with Bill King

Nicky Cymrot and Mimi Wolf

Nicky Cymrot and Mimi Wolf

King family

King family



Elizabeth Nelson

Elizabeth Nelson

Beth Purcell

Beth Purcell


Mike Eck


Barbara Eck

wolfLectureLisa5309en0315 wolfLectureReception5271en0315 wolfLectureJudyCanning5365en0315


Nancy Metzger, Tersh Boasberg

Lisa Dale Jones with Gary Jones

Monte Edwards, Janet Quigley, Gary Peterson

Monte Edwards, Janet Quigley, Gary Peterson



60th Anniversary Photos

Posted on February 7th, 2015





Capitol Hill’s Long Tradition of Community Activism

Posted on January 13th, 2015

By Lucinda Prout Janke

Capitol Hill residents have a long history of activism. From its earliest days as a fledgling neighborhood, more than one actually, in the federal capital established in 1790, its inhabitants have proven activist and even a bit feisty.

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Preservation Topics in Hill Rag

Posted on January 6th, 2015

During the Society’s 60th Birthday year, the Hill Rag is running a series of articles detailing our long history of  community preservation.

January 2015 – A Look at Capitol Hill Restoration Society’s Early History by John Muller

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