CHRS Accepting Donations – 1511 A St. NE Case
Posted on June 1st, 2017
Neighbors on the 1500 block of A Street NE, are fighting against an excessively large building that a developer wants to build on their block. 1511 A St. NE, a 1920s porch-front house, was formerly zoned commercial (C-2A) and is now zoned RF-1 (the zoning for Capitol Hill rowhouses). Due to a mistake in the application of the zoning laws, a developer obtained a permit that would allow demolishing the rowhouse and building a five- story 18-unit building that would tower over the two- and three- story houses on the block. DCRA cancelled this erroneous building permit and the developer is appealing that cancellation. Neighbors have hired an attorney to defend the cancellation of this erroneous permit, and to protect their block. ANC 6A is also an appellant in a related case (#19412).
Your financial support is needed to help our neighbors fight to maintain the quality of life and streetscape on Capitol Hill. To contribute to this effort, you can make a tax deductible contribution to CHRS. Make checks payable to ‘CHRS’, put ‘1511 A Street NE zoning case’ in the memo line, and mail it to P.O. Box 15264, Washington, DC 20003.