2021 Mother’s Day “Tour of Tours”
Posted on May 1st, 2021
Our guided tours (May 8 & 9) are over – for the moment. We appreciate the support of the Capitol Hill community and plan to offer guided walking tours in the months to come. The next tours are scheduled for the weekend of September 11 & 12. While you’re waiting, check out these self-guided tours:
Historic Sites Tour, Mural Tour, and our #StayatHomeHouseTour. Or check out Tour of Tours event photos.
Thanks to the community for keeping CHRS part of Capitol Hill for 66 years! If you haven’t yet, please become a member.
Thank you to the Rob and Brent Group, our PLATINUM Sponsor. Thank you to our SILVER sponsors – National Capital Bank, Michael Halebian & Co., and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. Thank you to our many advertisers, especially the Meg Jeanne Phil Meg Team at Compass. Please remember their support as you make decisions on whom to call for services.
Tour Menu:

IN THE LINE OF FIRE, Clint Eastwood, 1993, ©Columbia Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection
- Hollywood on the Hill (filming locations on Capitol Hill with Author Mike Canning)
- The Resistance (sites significant to civil rights for women, minorities and the LGBTQ+ community)
- Our Industrial Past (industrial and commercial sites, many of which have been repurposed)
- Parks – Treasures of Capitol Hill (the history of Marion and Garfield Parks and their surrounding neighborhood)
- Whimsy of Capitol Hill (search for amusing yard ornaments – a guided version, with fresh images, of the scavenger hunt posted on our website last year)
- Notable People of Capitol Hill (sites associated with many of the historically significant people who have made Capitol Hill their home)
- Community Evolution near Logan School (focusing on the neighborhood east of Union Station, a look at how the city and citizens turned once-unbuildable land into a welcoming neighborhood)
- “Artists at Home” gallery, featuring local artists displaying their work on their porches or in a front yard, or at Eastern High School. A free, self-guided tour – examples of the artists’ work are still on view.

Home of Frederick Douglass

Joe and Kamala at the Artists at Home Tour!