Capitol Hill Restoration Society

House Tour 2016 – Photos

Posted on May 8th, 2016

Photos taken by homeowners, Mindy Turbov and Loraine Heckenberg, on F Street Terrace and Archibald Walk during the 2016 House & Garden Tour. A film crew from WETA filmed the festivities for a documentary on DC neighborhoods. 

Interior images published with permission of the home owners.

Tiny House residents celebrate a successful house tour

Tiny House residents celebrate a successful house tour

Interior of a Tiny House

Interior of a Tiny House

Guests enjoying the festivities

Guests enjoying the festivities

2016 House and Garden Tour

Tour goers at 512 F Street Terrace SE

Tour goers at 512 F Street Terrace SE

The artist at home in his studio

The artist at home in his studio

Filming inside Will Fleishell's home

Filming inside Will Fleishell’s home

Artist Will Fleishell

Artist Will Fleishell

Weather couldn't be better on F Street Terrace

Weather couldn’t be better on F Street Terrace

619 G Street SE

619 G Street SE

Crew setting up on F Street Terrace

Crew setting up on F Street Terrace

518 Archibald Walk

518 Archibald Walk

Preparing to film Mindy's backyard

Preparing to film Mindy’s backyard

Guest exiting Mindy's home

Guest exiting Mindy’s home

Checking tickets at 520 Archibald Walk

Checking tickets at 520 Archibald Walk

Giving directions

Giving directions


Toasting the hosts

Toasting the hosts


House Captains, 647 Archibald Walk

House Captains, 647 Archibald Walk

Tour goers at 731 8th Street SE

Tour goers at 731 8th Street SE

Tour goers at 731 8th Street SE

731 8th Street photos courtesy Heather Schoell