Thanks for surprising our Board of Directors with a couple of signed jerseys!
The Capitol Hill Restoration Society congratulates our Little League team, the CHRS Nats, on a great season!
Way to go, players! Many thanks to the volunteer coaches who made the season possible!
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Hilloween is an annual free street party outside of Eastern Market. On October 29, we set up our table with CHRS-theme swag. It’s wonderful to resume this well-loved community tradition! Many thanks to the organizers! (photos)
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Photos: Live and In-Person! Back to normal only better! It felt great to have an in-person 4th of July Parade on Capitol Hill.
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Sadly, an in-person parade was not possible this year. But our good neighbors, Naval Lodge No. 4 and the Jeanne, Phil Meg Team at Compass Realty, weren’t about to let lapse one of our cherished community traditions – the Capitol Hill 4th of July Parade. They solicited and assembled video clips from the organizations that participate annually, to create this virtual parade. The CHRS contingent appears at 1:30. Many thanks to the event organizers!
CHRS was honored by CM Anita Bonds with a Cornerstone Award at a ceremony in the District Building on January 22, 2020.
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Hilloween is an annual free street party outside of Eastern Market. On Friday, October 25, 2019, CHRS hosted a children’s activity table with beads to string, and an avalanche of CHRS swag -pencils, lip balm, trick-or-treat bags. Photos
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On Saturday, September 28, 2019 we will staffed a booth at the Barracks Row Fall Festival, an ideal opportunity to introduce ourselves to newcomers to The Hill and to those living outside the boundaries of the Historic District. We offered children’s activities to amuse our younger neighbors while we shared information about our accomplishments and future plans with their parents.
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Again this year, CHRS celebrated Independence Day by fielding a contingent in the Capitol Hill Parade. (photos)
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